Results for 'Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto'

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  1. Da leitura escolarizada à leitura literária: a trajetória na formação do leitor.Renata Junqueira de Souza & Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):103-131.
    Buscamos neste texto refletir sobre a leitura literária e a leitura escolarizada do leitor em formação, mediante a análise de parte dos dados coletados em investigação realizada com crianças do Ensino Fundamental. Tratase da compreensão dos processos de recepção de textos literários por parte de leitores-aprendizes do oeste paulista. A discussão sobre a temática remete ao lugar da leitura literária e como ela vem sendo acolhida na escola.
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  2. A Constituição do Leitor: Ambientação, Espaços Textualizados, Cantos e Recantos ou a Negação da Leitura como Prática Significativa e Emancipatória?Renata Junqueira de Souza & Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto - 2008 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 10 (1).
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    Emotions in ancient and medieval philosophy.Simo Knuuttila - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Emotions are the focus of intense debate both in contemporary philosophy and psychology, and increasingly also in the history of ideas. Simo Knuuttila presents a comprehensive survey of philosophical theories of emotion from Plato to Renaissance times, combining rigorous philosophical analysis with careful historical reconstruction. The first part of the book covers the conceptions of Plato and Aristotle and later ancient views from Stoicism to Neoplatonism and, in addition, their reception and transformation by early Christian thinkers from Clement and Origen (...)
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    O pensamento político de Éric Weil.Mauro Cardoso Simões - 2010 - Enfoques 22 (2):79-84.
    My purpose is to analyze the peculiar thinking of Weil, according to the categories of reasoning, as a choice to avoid violence. In his definition of man, Weil recovers the notion of realization, with which man is redefined in terms of what he must be and not merely for what he is. There-to, man is ..
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    Poslovna etika i komuniciranje.Simo Elaković - 2007 - Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum, Fakultet za turistički i hotelijerski menadžment.
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    Pentecostal rationality: epistemology and theological hermeneutics in the foursquare tradition.Simo Frestadius - 2019 - New York: T&T Clark.
    This book not only articulates a tradition-specific Pentecostal rationality of Biblical Pragmatism, but also provides the first intellectual history of a major British classical Pentecostal denomination. Pentecostal theologians increasingly acknowledge that their theological methodology should be informed by a Pentecostal rationality, epistemology and theological hermeneutics. Simo Frestadius offers such a Pentecostal rationality from a Foursquare perspective. Frestadius first analyses and evaluates some of the main contemporary Pentecostal rationalities and epistemologies to date, with a particular emphasis on the works of Amos (...)
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  7. L'analyse différentielle comme moyen d'approche du phénomène traduisant.Simos P. Grammenidis - forthcoming - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    Aristotle's theory of perception and medieval aristotelianism.Simo Knuuttila - 2008 - In Kärkkäinen Knuuttila, Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. pp. 1--22.
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    Guest editor's preface.Simo Knuuttila - 2000 - Theoria 66 (2):126-128.
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    Järjen ja tunteen kerrostumat.Simo Knuuttila - 1998 - Helsinki: Suomalainen Teologinen Kirjallisuusseura.
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    Review essay.Simo Knuuttila - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (1):115-119.
  12. The connexions between vital acts in Suárez's psychology.Simo Knuuttila - 2014 - In Lukáš Novák, Suárez's Metaphysics in its Historical and Systematic Context. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  13. El hombre y su mundo a través de los siglos.Simón Marcelo Neuschlosz - 1942 - Rosario,: República argentina, Dirección municipal de cultura.
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    Ambivalentnost procesa globalizacije i etičke implikacije teorije društvenog izbora Amartye Sena.Šimo Šokčević - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):119-130.
    Suvremeni svijet izražava veliku potrebu za etikom u financijskim, gospodarskim, političkim i općenito socijalnim sferama. U tom kontekstu teorija društvenog izbora A. Sena, indijskoga ekonomista, filozofa i dobitnika Nobelove nagrade za osobite doprinose na području ekonomije, predstavlja važan čimbenik u ostvarivanju društvenih ciljeva, a ima i ključnu ulogu u formiranju zdravog društvenopolitičkog poretka. U ovom članku u središtu našeg interesa bit će implementacija skupa sposobnosti u sfere društva, te kritika utilitarističkih pristupa ekonomskom razvoju. Govorit ćemo o slobodama koje se trebaju (...)
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    A liberdade como causalidade da razão pura: entre o formalismo da lei e a sua aplicação à natureza.Felipe Rodrigues Simões - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):118-130.
    Seguiremos com a leitura da Crítica da razão prática, de Immanuel Kant, buscando apoio em dois eixos centrais: a) a formulação do imperativo categórico; b) a doutrina do fato da razão. A escolha desse percurso sustenta a posição de que, não obstante as inúmeras formulações dadas ao imperativo da moralidade ao longo da Fundamentação, haveria, nos termos da segunda Crítica, uma formulação mais clara e precisa desse princípio. Em relação à doutrina do fato da razão, a mesma será tratada em (...)
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    El sujeto anárquico: Reiner Schürmann y Michel Foucault.Simón Royo - 2019 - Madrid: Arena Libros. Edited by Reiner Schürmann.
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  17. Arthur C. Danto, Unnatural Wonders: Essays from the Gap between Art and Life.Simo Saatela - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (3):168.
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  18. Sobre la educación y sus problemas.Simón Saulmann & T. Carlos - 1962 - Santiago de Chile,:
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  19. Impressõ do sensível: elos entre literatura e estética.Maria João Simões - 2011 - Coimbra: Faculdade de Letras.
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  20. Visions of Science: Research at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon seen Through its Journal.Ana Simões, Ana Carneiro & Maria Paula Diogo - 2015 - In Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões, Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Open review information.Simo Säätelä - 2020 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 9.
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  22. Rosenkrantz's bayesian solution to Goodman's problem.Simo Vihjanen - 1993 - In Risto Hilpinen, Olli Koistinen & Juha Räikkä, Good reason: essays dedicated to Risto Hilpinen. Turku: Turun yliopisto. pp. 200--23.
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  23. Modalities in Medieval Philosophy.Simo Knuuttila - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1993, Modalities in Medieval Philosophy looks at the idea of modality as multiplicity of reference with respect to alternative domains. The book examines how this emerged in early medieval discussions and addresses how it was originally influenced by the theological conception of God acting by choice. After a discussion of ancient modal paradigms, the author traces the interplay of old and new modal views in medieval logic and semantics, philosophy and theology. A detailed account is given of (...)
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    Modalities in Medieval Philosophy.Simo Knuuttila - 1993 - In [no title]. Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.Simo Knuuttila - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (222):132-133.
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  26. Modal logic.Simo Knuuttila - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg, Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 342--357.
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    Civil Disobedience, Climate Protests and a Rawlsian Argument for ‘Atmospheric’ Fairness.Simo Kyllönen - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (5):593-613.
    Activities protesting against major polluters who cause climate change may cause damage to private property in the process. This paper investigates the case for a more international general basis of moral justification for such protests. Specific reference is made to the Kingsnorth case, which involved a protest by Greenpeace against coal-powered electricity generation in the UK. An appeal is made to Rawlsian fairness arguments, traditionally employed to support the obligation of citizens to their national governments as opposed to their international (...)
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  28. Climate Change, No‐Harm Principle, and Moral Responsibility of Individual Emitters.Simo Kyllönen - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (4):737-758.
    The article defends the no-harm principle as an intuitively plausible and a common-sense way to justify individual emitters’ duties to take more radical steps in the fight against climate change. The appearance of climate change as requiring large-scale collective action should not lead us astray with respect to the fundamental moral nature of the problem: individual emitters who knowingly sustain and foster the carbon intensive ways of acting also bear personal moral responsibility for the foreseeable climate-related harm and acquire in (...)
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  29. Duns Scotus and the foundations of logical modalities.Simo Knuuttila - 1996 - In Ludger Honnefelder, Rega Wood & Mechthild Dreyer, John Duns Scotus: metaphysics and ethics. New York: E.J. Brill. pp. 127--145.
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    The emergence of deontic logic in the fourteenth century.Simo Knuuttila - 1981 - In Risto Hilpinen, New Studies in Deontic Logic: Norms, Actions, and the Foundations of Ethics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 225--248.
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    Reforging the Great Chain of Being: Studies of the History of Modal Theories.Simo Knuuttila (ed.) - 1980 - Reidel.
    JAAKKO HINTIKKA GAPS IN THE GREAT CHAIN OF BEING: AN EXERCISE IN THE METHODOLOGY OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS* For some historians, to understand everything is to pardon everything. For others, like Lord Acton, history is not only a judge, ...
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    Intragroup Emotions: Physiological Linkage and Social Presence.Simo Järvelä, Jari Kätsyri, Niklas Ravaja, Guillaume Chanel & Pentti Henttonen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  33. Change and contradiction: A fourteenth-century controversy.Simo Knuuttila & Anja Inkeri Lehtinen - 1979 - Synthese 40 (1):189 - 207.
  34. From logical method to 'messing about': Wittgenstein on 'open problems' in mathematics.Simo Saatela - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn, The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Considerações acerca de um certo uso do método diairético no tratamento do problema das virtudes nas Leis de Platão.Izabella Simões - 2024 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 52:27-40.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como uma certa prática da divisão é utilizada por Platão nas Leis. Em várias passagens da obra, o filósofo recorre à realização de distinções entre termos, no intuito de estabelecer esclarecimentos lexicais e mesmo conceituais, evidenciando a possibilidade da existência de um certo uso da diaíresis nesse importante texto do Corpus. É o que parecem sugerir determinadas ocorrências do verbo diairéo em alguns momentos do diálogo (I, 647c, II, 672e, III, 700a-b, VII, 815e e (...)
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    Pólis e vida boa: a determinação da natureza ética da política no livro I da Política de Aristóteles.Izabella Simões - 2024 - Classica - Revista Brasileira De Estudos Clássicos 37:1-18.
    O objetivo principal deste artigo é mostrar a concepção política radicalmente normativa elaborada por Aristóteles no livro I da Política, concepção que determina a vida na cidade como uma condição fundamental para a realização da excelência ou virtude humana (ἀρετή). Trata-se, assim, de investigar como o filósofo pensa a polis como uma forma de comunidade (κοινωνία) que tem por meta não apenas assegurar as condições materiais e econômicas necessárias ao viver humano elementar (ζῆν), mas também propiciar ao homem um locus (...)
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    Towards A Multispecies Population Ethics.Simo Kyllönen - 2022 - Environmental Ethics 44 (4):347-366.
    Current ecological threats, such as the sixth mass extinction or climate change, highlight the need to evaluate the moral implications of changing populations, both human and non-human. The paper sketches a non-anthropocentric and multispecies sufficientarian account of population ethics. After discussing several other options for multispecies population ethics, the paper proposes a two-level account of multispecies sufficientarianism, according to which the value of populations depend on two kinds of sufficientarian thresholds. First, there is a species-relativized individual-level threshold for what species-specific (...)
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  38. Is it wrong to deliberately conceive or give birth to a child with mental retardation?Simo Vehmas - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (1):47 – 63.
    This paper discusses the issues of deciding to have a child with mental retardation, and of terminating a pregnancy when the future child is known to have the same disability. I discuss these problems by criticizing a utilitarian argument, namely, that one should act in a way that results in less suffering and less limited opportunity in the world. My argument is that future parents ought to assume a strong responsibility towards the well-being of their prospective children when they decide (...)
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    Modern Modalities: Studies of the History of Modal Theories From Medieval Nominalism to Logical Positivism.Simo Knuuttila (ed.) - 1988 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The word "modem" in the title of this book refers primarily to post-medieval discussions, but it also hints at those medieval mo dal theories which were considered modem in contradistinction to ancient conceptions and which in different ways influenced philosophical discussions during the early modem period. The me dieval developments are investigated in the opening paper, 'The Foundations of Modality and Conceivability in Descartes and His Predecessors', by Lilli Alanen and Simo Knuuttila. Boethius's works from the early sixth century belonged (...)
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  40. Just ignore it? Parents and genetic information.Simo Vehmas - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (5):473-484.
    This paper discusses whether prospectiveparents ought to find out about their geneticconstitution for reproductive reasons. It isargued that ignoring genetic information can bein line with responsible parenthood or perhapseven recommendable. This is because parenthoodis essentially an unconditional project inwhich parents ought to commit themselves tonurturing any kind of child. Besides, thetraditional reasons offered for theunfortunateness of impairments and the tragicfate of families with disabled children are notconvincing. Other morally problematic outcomesof genetics, such as discrimination againstindividuals with impairments, and limiting freeparental (...)
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    Time and creation in Augustine.Simo Knuuttila - 2001 - In Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann, The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 103--15.
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  42. Medieval Commentators on Future Contingents in De Interpretatione 9.Simo Knuuttila - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (1):75-95.
    This article considers three medieval approaches to the problem of future contingent propositions in chapter 9 of Aristotle's _De interpretatione_. While Boethius assumed that God's atemporal knowledge infallibly pertains to historical events, he was inclined to believe that Aristotle correctly taught that future contingent propositions are not antecedently true or false, even though they may be characterized as true-or-false. Aquinas also tried to combine the allegedly Aristotelian view of the disjunctive truth-value of future contingent propositions with the conception of all (...)
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  43. (1 other version)The Logic of Being.Simo Knuuttila & Jaakko Hintikka - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (1):133-133.
  44. Anselm on Modality.Simo Knuuttila - 2004 - In Brian Leftow, The Cambridge Companion to Anselm. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 111-131.
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    Questions of Epistemic Logic in Hintikka.Simo Knuuttila - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu, Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 413-431.
    In his book Knowledge and Belief, Jaakko Hintikka uses a model-theoretic approach of modal semantics as a theoretical basis for investigating the principles of epistemic logic. I shall first summarize the main points of Hintikka’s classic work and then address the most disputed themes raised by it in the 60s and later, such as logical omniscience and the KK-thesis, as well as Hintikka’s modifying his views on the basis of criticism. The last part of the book treats quantified epistemic logic, (...)
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  46. Fiction, make-believe and quasi emotions.Simo Säätelä - 1994 - British Journal of Aesthetics 34 (1):25-34.
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    The Logic of Being: Historical Studies.Simo Knuuttila & Jaakko Hintikka - 1985 - Springer Verlag.
    The last twenty years have seen remarkable developments in our understanding of how the ancient Greek thinkers handled the general concept of being and its several varieties. The most general examination of the meaning of the Greek verb 'esti'/'einai'/'on' both in common usage and in the philosophical literature has been presented by Charles H. Kahn, most extensively in his 1973 book The Verb 'Be' in Ancient Greek. These discussions are summarized in Kahn's contribution to this volume. By and large, they (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction to Medieval Logic.Alexander Broadie. [REVIEW]Simo Knuuttila - 1995 - Speculum 70 (2):343-344.
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    J.M. Bocheńskiego zabobon filozoficzny a myślenie etyczne.Halina Šimo - 2020 - Etyka 58 (2):71-85.
    Celem artykułu jest pokazanie możliwości zastosowania J.M. Bocheńskiego koncepcji zabobonu filozoficznego (pogląd fałszywy stwarzający pozory prawdziwości) w analizie etycznych ocen i argumentacji. Dla osiągnięcia tego celu koncepcja Bocheńskiego jest najpierw omówiona, następnie wskazane są cechy myślenia etycznego sprzyjające jego podatności na zabobony filozoficzne oraz podjęty jest problem możliwości rozpoznawania i ograniczania zabobonów w refleksji nad moralnością.
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    Disability, Harm, and the Origins of Limited Opportunities.Simo Vehmas & Tom Shakespeare - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (1):41-47.
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